Dr. Dominik Strobl

Dr. Dominik Strobl specializes in Life Sciences advisory services. He advises companies in the Life Sciences sector on all issues relating to the research, development and marketing of their products. In addition to questions of medical product advertisement and healthcare compliance, his practice focuses in particular on regulatory requirements for medical devices law at the interplay with material-related and substance-related requirements. Furthermore, he accompanies and supports companies in regulatory and judicial proceedings on national and European level, as well as in advocacy projects with regard to upcoming legal changes.

Dr. Dominik Strobl advises companies on all aspects in the Life Sciences sector. He has particular expertise in the areas of medical product advertising, healthcare compliance, and digital health / e-health. Furthermore, he advises on reimbursement, billing of medical services and the structuring of cooperations between players in the healthcare sector, keeping an eye on the framework of competition law, codes of professional conduct, social insurance law and criminal law. Furthermore, Dr. Strobl supports companies in regulatory issues, especially with respect to medical devices.

In addition, Dr. Strobl advises and represents companies in various industries with regard to questions of chemicals and substances law. Particularly in connection with the specific regulatory requirements for medical and health technology, he focuses on the interface with questions of material requirements as well as biocompatibility. He represents the interests of companies and associations in consultation procedures and proceedings against sector-specific EU measures, such as those under REACH, CLP and BPR. Furthermore, Dr. Strobl supports his clients in other issues of public and civil law, especially in the enforcement of competition law claims (UWG, HWG).

  • legal studies at the Universities of Augsburg and Ljubljana
  • research assistant at the Chair of Public Law (Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner) at the law faculty of University of Augsburg
  • certificate course: Medical Device Regulatory Affairs – Basic Course
  • 2017-2021 research assistant in a medical law firm in Munich
  • since 2017, regular publications on Life Sciences topics
  • 2018 lecturer in the field of e-health / digital health
  • 2021 doctorate thesis on issues of advertisement of medical products and corruption in the health care sector
  • legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich
  • since 2023, lawyer at the Produktkanzlei

Languages: German, English

  • Zur Differenzierung zwischen Werbeobjekt i.S.d. § 1 HWG und Werbemittel i.S.d. § 7 HWG am Beispiel der unentgeltlichen Venenmessung, PharmR 2023, p. 613 ff.
  • Angestellte Ärzte im Sektoren-Dschungel: Zurechnung, Liquidation, Compliance, Teil 2 (with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter), MedR 2023, p. 793 ff.
  • Angestellte Ärzte im Sektoren-Dschungel: weisungsfrei oder weisungsabhängig? Teil 1 (with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter), MedR 2023, p. 711 ff.
  • Requirements for electronic laboratory reports according to the German guideline Rili-BAEK and ISO 15189 (with Dr. med. Andreas Bietenbeck, Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner et al.), Journal of Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 45 (Issue 4-5), p. 197 ff.
  • Apothekerliche Wertreklame, Schriften zum Bio-, Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht, Bd. 45, 2021
  • Anforderungen an etablierten Off-label-Use in der GKV bei Markteintritt zugelassener Analogpräparate – beispielhaft dargestellt zur Indikation Multiple Sklerose (with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter und Prof. Dr. med. Achim Berthele), KrV 2020, p. 192 ff.
  • Ambulante Behandlung im Krankenhaus - Zugänge und deren Verankerung im GKV-System, in: Pfannstiel/Jaeckel/da Cruz, Market Access im Gesundheitswesen - Hürden und Zugangswege zur Gesundheitsversorgung (with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter), 2020
  • E-Health, Health-Apps & Co. – rechtliche Aspekte (with Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner), eberatungsjournal.net, 15. Jahrgang, Heft 2, Artikel 2, 2019
  • Erweiterte Auskunfts- und Einsichtnahmerechte in Patientenaktenb(with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter), MedR 2018, p. 472 ff.
  • EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung: Bedeutung für Patientenakten (with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter), PKR 2018, p. 65 ff.
  • Arzneimittel-Verblisterung durch heimversorgende Apotheken (with Prof. Dr. Ute Walter), PharmR 2017, p. 375 ff.