Johannes Daelen

Johannes Daelen is a paralegal at the Berlin office. He focuses on product law issues related to digital products. In particular, he keeps an eye on the relevant EU legislation on the topics that will dominate in the future, such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI). Through the development of digital consulting solutions, Johannes Daelen also sets new impulses with regard to the digitalization of legal consulting practice.
Johannes Daelen provides support especially in product safety law issues with digital or technical references. His expertise in the relevant areas of law - in combination with his digital expertise - enables him to quickly get to the heart of the problem and develop pragmatic, legally reliable solutions. In view of the increasing regulatory density at EU level (e.g. with regard to cybersecurity or artificial intelligence), Johannes Daelen always keeps an eye on current legislation. The requirements are particularly important because they (will) directly determine the marketability of the products concerned.
Another focus of Johannes Daelen's work is the development of customized digital solutions for legal practice. In particular, his activities include the automation of legal workflows and processes, with his expertise in this area focusing on document automation and document management solutions. In addition, Mr. Daelen supports the digitization of processes by developing (mobile) applications that can be integrated into the existing software landscape with little effort. Finally, he advises legal departments on the selection and introduction of area-specific software solutions. Here, Johannes Daelen benefits from his in-depth market knowledge, which covers both individual providers and technologies in general.
  • Business law studies with focus on public business law at the University of Rostock, LL.M. degree
  • Associate in a Big Four law firm in the area of Legal Process & Technology
  • since 2022 law studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin
  • also since 2022 paralegal at the Produktkanzlei
Languages: German, English
  • Der Cyber Resilience Act aus produktsicherheitsrechtlicher Perspektive (withDr. Gerhard Wiebe), EuZW 2023, S. 257 et seq.