Dr. Carsten Schucht

Dr. Carsten Schucht specialises, on the one hand, on product safety and product liability law and, on the other hand, on work safety law. On product safety law, he advises international and national manufacturers, importers and traders in consumer and investment goods over the entire non-food area on all compliance issues. He also defends product liability law compensation and damages claims and coordinates worldwide recalls and/or supports the issue of the necessary safety warnings.

Dr. Carsten Schucht comprehensively advises on public law (product safety law) within product law and civil law (product liability law). He is also a recognised expert in work safety law. His clients include international and national manufacturers, importers and traders in consumer products (B2C products) and non-consumer products (B2B products). In product safety law, he deals especially with marketability testing of CE marked products in the European internal market and the aspect of product compliance. In the event of complaints about products by European and/or German market surveillance authorities, he supports his clients in the market surveillance proceedings and before the administrative court having jurisdiction as the case may be. As expert for RAPEX risk assessments, he is in a position to duly investigate any product risks ad hoc and determine the resulting legal consequences. In product liability law, Dr. Carsten Schucht defends claims of injured parties for compensation and damages whether out of court and – if necessary – before the civil court with jurisdiction. In the case of product risks with product liability law relevance, he structures (worldwide) recalls, implements them and advises on appropriate safety warnings. He also knows, from his product law experience, how to deal with criminal law product responsibility without legal risks. In addition, Dr. Carsten Schucht advises on all work safety law questions, his specialty being operational safety and workplace law.

  • legal studies at the University of Hannover, the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, the University of Mannheim and the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
  • academic assistant at the chair for public law, general and comparative constitutional law (Prof. Dr. Oliver Lepsius) of the legal and economic faculty of the University of Bayreuth
  • legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Oberlandesgericht Hamburg including at the Federal Interior Ministry in Berlin and Allianz Deutschland AG in Munich
  • 2009 doctorate thesis on a policing law subject
  • since 2010, lawyer at an international commercial law firm in Munich with specialty in product safety law, product liability and work safety
  • since 2010, publisher and author of many publications on product safety, product liability and work safety law issues
  • since 2010, lecturer on product safety, product liability and work safety law issues especially at specialist conferences and seminars
  • 2019 founding partner of the Produktkanzlei

Languages: German, English

The complete list of Dr. Carsten Schuchts writings can be found here.

Selected publications:

  • Die neue EU-Produktsicherheitsverordnung. General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) (with Dr. Gerhard Wiebe), 2024
  • Die neuen Pflichten der Wirtschaftsakteure bei Verbraucherprodukten, CCZ 2024, p. 66 ff.
  • Produktkrisen-Management als Compliance-Aufgabe, CB 2023, S. 312 ff.
  • BB-Rechtsprechungsreport zum Produktrecht 2022 – Teil I (with Michael Öttinger), BB 2023, p. 899 ff. and Teil II (with Michael Öttinger), BB 2023, p. 963 ff.
  • Das Recht der Hersteller-, Einführer- und Identifikationskennzeichnung – Teil 2. Einfallstor für fehlende Product Compliance, CB 2023, p. 34 ff.
  • Das Recht der Hersteller-, Einführer- und Identifikationskennzeichnung – Teil 1. Einfallstor für fehlende Product Compliance, CB 2022, p. 487 ff.
  • Online-Marktplätze im Produktrecht (with Michael Öttinger), BB 2022, p. 2435 ff.
  • Das neue Recht der Verbraucherprodukte – eine Analyse des Entwurfs einer EU-Verordnung über die allgemeine Produktsicherheit, GewArch 2022, p. 394 ff.
  • Bedarfsgegenstände im Spannungsfeld zwischen LFGB und ProdSG – Skizze eines Dilemmas, LMuR 2022, p. 3 ff.
  • Zehn Jahre Anwendung der EG-Spielzeugrichtlinie. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme, EuZW 2021, p. 1076 ff.
  • Die digitale Gebrauchsanleitung – Durchbruch oder Strohfeuer?, BB 2021, p. 2563 ff.
  • Produkttests im Produktrecht, CCZ 2021, p. 220 ff.
  • Die neue EU-Marktüberwachungsverordung. Praxisleitfaden für die Herausforderungen im europäischen Produktsicherheitsrecht, 2021
  • Produkt-Zertifikate beim Warenvertrieb – Risikosteuerung und Rechtspflicht, NJW 2019, p. 1335 ff.
  • Die Digitalisierung des Produktrechts durch den Online-Handel. Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, BB 2019, p. 135 ff.